Sunday, 26 April 2015

Anxiety and Panic attacks

To begin, I need to be honest with you... it's not an easy topic to talk about. But because I know it's a subject that affects thousands of people, I decided to discuss it with you because I want to give hope and techniques to help people like me overcoming panic attacks.
Unfortunately, I suffer from anxiety and panic attacks since I was 16 years old but I never noticed until about an year ago. 

For those who don't know what anxiety is, is a general term for several disorders that cause nervousness, fear, apprehension, and worrying. These disorders affect how we feel and behave, and they can manifest real physical symptoms. 
Anxiety is a common thing that everyone has. Although, there are people who have excessive anxiety which in some cases leads to panic attacks, for example.
For those who don't know what panic attack is, is a symptom of an anxiety disorder which is a very serious health problem. 

In the beginning it was really strange and scary. I couldn't breath properly, I had kind of pain in my chest and I didn't have someone to help me because I didn't know what that feeling/"pain" was.

After a while I explained to my parents how I felt because I just had a beginning of an anxiety attack in front of them... it was so embarrassing! It was then when my father told me that was Anxiety because he suffers from the same thing as well. I was not concerned about it because I thought it would go away eventually. It didn't...
After a year I could "manage it", I found my own ways to deal with it but it's still hard to deal with. 

What I feel while the attack is happening
- My heart beats so fast that I think I am having a heart attack (Palpitations)

- I can't breath properly, is like there is not enough air for me to breath (Shortness of breath. Inhale too much oxygen and not exhale enough carbon dioxide)

- I cry a lot because I am panicky (I don't feel the necessity of crying, it just comes out)

- My whole body trembles (Nervous system speaking)

- I feel cold and hot at the same time (At this stage, our body is unregulated)

- Sweating even when feeling cold (As normal, when we are nervous we sweat)

- At certain time I see everything spinning and feel I am going to fall down (Dizziness)

- I need to go outside and feel fresh air on my face. Can't stay in a close space otherwise I will be worse. For example, I am not scared of airplanes but if I have an attack in it, I will be terrified because obviously I can't get out of there (Claustrophobia)

It is very complicated when we reach that point where we can't control our feelings and thoughts and when everything seems to be more intensified. Although, we must think the panic attack won't last for hours. It is scientifically proved that a panic attack lasts only between 5 to 20 minutes. Some people affirm having 1 panic attack more than the "established time", this is not correct. They are likely to be experiencing one attack after another.

Where do I know these attacks are more likely to happen?
Unfortunately, I can't explain this with 100 per cent sure. If you suffer from the same thing as I, you will know this is not a credible question. This is because we never know when the attack is going to happen, it just happens out of the blue, it can even happen right now while I am typing. Although, I can tell you certain situations that just by thinking about them make me feel anxious.

- In a crowded place
- Some places I can't get off and so I feel struggling 
- In a queue that doesn't move
- Under water
- Somewhere I can't reach the floor
- Airplane
- Needles/ Hospital/ Doctors

CBT? Yes!
Of course after several number of attacks I couldn't deal with it only on my own so I went to the doctor and explained what was going on and asked for an ECG (Electrocardiogram) and fortunately the results were fine, although I didn't accept it because I felt that something was going on with my heart, it was not normal having blood presure always above 100 and the repetitive palpitation. So I did 2 more after a while. The results were fine again and then the doctor advised me to go to CBT sessions. Cognitive behavioral therapy is a therapy where people that suffer from the same thing join and share their situations and face their issues using the techniques they provide. It has been an amazing experience and I highly recommend them. I still have 3 more sessions ahead and I am very excited to go. Maybe because I don't feel alone and I feel safe. By going to these sessions, I can affirm you that I feel more "normal" because I know I am not alone in this situation, that there are people out there with the same problem as I and we can face it together, we just need to say yes and let the opportunity happen. 

You are not alone, you are normal, everything is fine, you just need to take a deep breath and calm youself down. If it is a person who is making you anxious, get away from that person and breath slowly. Inhale 4 seconds, exhale 6 seconds. You will be fine! If it is a situation that is bodering you, just try to see the positive side of things, there is ALWAYS a solution you just need to think rationally and you will be fine!

I hope I could help some of you and if you have any more questions please do, I am here to help you and remember YOU ARE NOT ALONE. 

Wednesday, 15 April 2015

A lovely sunny day

(Firstly, I apologize for the quality of the pictures, I know it's not the same as the others. I did brought my camera with me, but I forgot the Memory Card so I had to use my phone)

It's so good to say that today was a marvellous day in London! 

It was such an amazing sunny day that  I couldn't stayed at home. It's rare having a 25 degrees day in the beginning of spring so me and my friend, Sonia, went to Central London. We were tired of going to close places such as Shopping Centres so we thought that wasting such a superb day will be stupid.

I was astonishing with such different colors of the flowers, it really felt like spring and that makes me absolutely happy!

As you know, one of the things I love the most, is the sun. And today it was so warm, so cosy... See people wearing just a simple shirt and shorts or trousers with sandals made me feel happy. I mean... who doesn't like this epoch? 

Central London is a place where it's always crowded even on working days, and today was not an exception. First because it was hot, second because there were tourists everyone, third because it's a place where everybody enjoys to go. The green spaces are the best choice in these days.

When the clock was pointing to 3:40 pm, I was ready to go to gym! It was legs day and was very productive because I was there for 2 hours. It felt really good when I finished it, like always, and I have to tell you that I am so tired that I am pretty sure tomorrow I will not be able to walk properly!

What about you? Did you had a nice day as well?

Tuesday, 14 April 2015

TAG #1 love/hate

Hello again everyone!

Today I am going to write a post that fortunately was asked by the Blogger Pequena no Mundo.
Thank you very much for naming my blog for this TAG and I will try my best. Also, I agreed creating this blog because you can know more about myself ! I hope you enjoy it!


Say 10 things you love and you hate
Name 10 blogs
Name the blog that named you

What I love

1- Dance
2- Being a blogger
3- Eat (even if sometimes I regret it a lot)
4- Gym and sports
5- Hot drinks (even when it's hot. I know... I am freak)
6- The combination of the sea with the sun 
7- Shopping (My biggest addiction)
8- Hanging out
9- My hair
10- Watching movies (I can watch movies/series all day long)

What I hate

1- Fake people/ lies
2- Being interrupted while I am talking
3- Rain and cold (Just thinking about it...)
4- Spiders (even the smaller ones that you can't even see, I can see them pretty big)
5- Waiting
6- Medicine and doctors (So if you see me in a hospital it's because I am really bad)
7- People that shout at me
8- Smug people (I mean... why? why be like that?)
9- Washing the dishes
10- Wake up later than my normal schedule (I know it sounds crazy, but my humour changes so much when I wake up late that I can't even support myself and my day looks bigger, so why not?)

Chosen blogs:

Monday, 6 April 2015

5 Ways to change your life

It has been a while since I posted and I apologize for that. As I mentioned on my previous post, I started going to gym and that makes me feel so tired that my head is miles away from here. I promise I will post more from now on guys!

So today I decided to write a post about how we can completely change our life. I am not talking about getting a job, getting married or getting a car... no! I am talking about your routine. Change it! Be original! Be confident to step ahead! You can do it you just need to believe!

1- Say YES to things.
I dare you, now, to think and ask yourself "Have I said YES today?" "How many times a "NO" got me into trouble?". Well? I know, it's crazy how a simple word can change our life. If you try to say YES to things, your life will be easier, healthier and it will make you think positively. Thinking positively is a way of believing in certain things that don't seem to improve. There are people that feel depressed or negative or sad because nothing goes right. You will get to a point where you will feel negative and don't want to do anything or even see no one. So, for you that feel this way, you have two choices: Or you keep feeling that way and nothing improves or you can say YES to things and see where they get you. "You will start enjoying your life more, the more you say yes to things."

2- Practice exercise.
I know it's hard, I know it's that thing that everyone is scared about but don't be. Since I have been going to gym, I feel more relaxed, more happy with my body and it makes me feel better! It's true that makes you feel pain and tired but believe me it's worth it, you just need to believe.
If losing weight, toning your body, removing cellulite, gain weight is your ambition, do it! Fight for it and don't give up because if others can do it, you can do it as well! 

3- Be around people that care about you.
Isn't that marvellous being around people that care about you? Of course it is! You feel happy and loved and be around them can change your life. 
Don't be with people that only pretend to be your friends, they won't be there for you when you will really need. Don't call other people "friends" just because they like your clothes or because they smiled at you. Unfortunately, there are people that can act so perfectly that you can't see if they are being true or not. 
You need to be around people that make you laugh, that wipe your tears when you are not having a great day, that listens to you when you need the most.

4- Focous on the present
Forget the past. Forget what you did or what you said. Live one day at a time and focous on what is truly important. How can you improve something if you can't get over it? You can't start the next chapter if you keep reading the last one.

5- Start a blog
Starting a blog is such a good idea. It allows you to write about your feelings, to improve your writing, to talk with other people that feel the same way that you do and perhaps you can help each other. 
Give it a try, for a month and you will notice that it can change your life. You will feel amazed when you finish writing about what you are feeling or about any other subject. 
There are lots of ideas: Business, Fashion, Beauty, Lifestyle, Feelings, Films etc...

I hope I could help you with my tips and I hope you will try some of them!