Friday, 30 October 2015

9 things that make me smile

1. See people falling. Yup! I am so sorry if that was you and I saw your fall but I definitely laughed! I can't avoid it, it is just... the most hilarious thing for me. An example, when I fall I don't stand up straight away, I would be sitting there and laughing, then I will stand up and move on. Another example, my boyfriend fell in my stairs and I was there, I couldn't stop laughing, I was even crying, then I went look after him. (but still laughing)

2. Dogs. Oh my god I love these cute creatures. They are the cutest thing ever! I fancy more when they are babies and can't barely move straight but when they grow up I am still their fan number 1. When I move to my own house I want to have a dog. A Labrador. A cute, beige Labrador. Can't wait!

3. Shopping. I can promise you that if I am sad or bored and I am going shopping I will change dramatically. I don't know why but having the sensation of obtaining new clothes is just... The Thing!

4. Dancing. My passion! I cannot leave without it. But, to be honest, I miss it a little bit. I wish I could do more and be part of a group, go to shows, live that life where is all about music and dancing and comfortable clothes and big bags with lots of things for the day... Basically, this is how it used to be when I was in Portugal.

5. See my parents running away from each other. They are just marvellous. Relationship goals. Since I was little I wanted to have a man with me that looked like my father. They inspire me a lot, they respect each other, they have fun together, they don't need nobody else. They are happy and I love the family I have, couldn't ask for better.

6. My boyfriend. If you want to know what I like the most in a man, apart from physical, is essentially the sense of humour. How can somebody be with someone that don't know how to have fun? I definitely can't! And yes, my boyfriend is hilarious. He makes me laugh a lot, about everything! I love him. 

7. YouTube videos. I can probably say that I laugh out loud when I am watching videos. Specially Joe Sugg, Casper Lee, and Zoella. They are amazing, check them out.

8. The sun. Wooo, boring... I know, but trust me, if you live in the UK you know what I am talking about. When the winter comes I promise you, you will wish for a little bit of sun. I didn't care much about it when I was in Portugal because the sun is there most of the times, but in here... We can be without sun for like a week in a row. How bizarre is that?

9. A good hair day. Where on earth can you find a woman that does not like this? You can't! I am kind of addicted to hair products because I am constantly looking for the best one to leave my hair super soft and shiny. I spend at least 2 hours with my hair when I wash it and I don't regret it because it looks gorgeous all the time, and when it doesn't, a hat fixes. (laughs) 

Thursday, 29 October 2015

My career from A to Z

Ambition- The first thing that came into my mind was definitely ambition. I always dream and I always look forward to the next step and never giving up of anything.

Brave- Being brave and change my entire life to come to London was definitely my biggest and hardest step in my life and I am so grateful for that

College- I am in College and there I have been accomplishing projects and being part of lot of activities that get me so many ways out afterwards

Determination- A lot! If I have determination I go until the end and not refuse any opportunity that appears 

England- Moving to England in 2012 was the best thing that has ever happen to me! Now I have what I never had in my own country. 

Flop- I flop a lot and I appreciate that very much because it's from my mistakes that I grow up and have the chance to repeat them again with even more success

Growing up- I am still growing up and I will always be and I am loving the life I am having right now because my skills are growing up everyday and I can gradually see open windows.

Happiness- I am extremely happy with all of the events that are happening in my life. I feel that being happy and do things that make us happy is the key to everything.

Interest- I am those kind of people that researches everything to learn every day and to find different things that make my days more interesting.

Journey- It has been an amazing journey since I came to London, until where I am now. I have manage to know a lot of important people that have helped me a lot and I am truly thankful for.

Key words- I found those so helpful! In journalism it is a little bit hard to write down everything you hear or search for something important. So, for that, I normally use key word. If I am interviewing someone and I want to write down as fast as I can, I just use key words, so I have the important information written down and I don't loose any information at all. 

Learn- I learnt a lot and I still am! Learning is one of the most important things because it made grow up so much and I am so glad that I always put effort in everything I do.
More and More- I just can't sit still and let things happen. I rather prefer be occupied with this and that. This is who I am actually. You don't see me sitting down on my sofa or bed for too long, I always find something to do.

Neat- Oh yes I am! I like to see everything organised and in the right places. I like to have everything done and ready to go and that's how it should be because otherwise I will be struggling with the amount of things I have to do sometimes. That is one of the key to success. Be organised.

Organiser- Again, organisation is very (very) important. How can you organise yourself without a organiser? Since I bought my organiser I find it so much easier to do things. Every time I have a new thing I always write it down so I don't forget and I don't have to keep in my head and so and so. Try it, it will make you life much easier

Perfectionist- I am one of those people that always like to leave everything perfect and organised. Everything I do I always look for a perfect way to do it. That helps me a lot in terms of organisation and perhaps at the end receive a compliment. 

Questions- An important thing in my career. Making questions and understanding is what I found really important. Because English is not my first language, I found quite difficult to communicate and be comfortable with other people. So I ask them to repeat again, to explain, to clarify their opinions and so I can understand clearly. Very important tip.

Respect- Everywhere I go I always choose to respect people. I am not perfect though. Sometimes I can be really rude BUT, who isn't? If someone replies to me in a rude way, I am rude back or simply, I just walk away and that's it for me. But, sometimes we need to live with it. Sometimes the person I am describing is my Boss and I cannot be rude to them. Anyway, the point is, respect others around you so you can be respected.

Simple but sharp- I have learnt this in a harder way. If you know me, you know I write a lot, and sometimes I don't even realise! I cannot contain myself, I cannot limit myself into a word count. So, yes, that's a problem sometimes. At College when I am doing assignments I tend to write around 6000 thousand words on my last assignment. After that, my tutor told me I had to resume that at least half, I was astonished and shocked because I didn't know how, it's like I need to have everything there. Oh god, I am a freak. 

Travelling- Urrr, I hate this but... Every time I go to work or College I need to get public transport, mainly the bus. And I hate it! I use to love it, having the feeling of sitting on a bus and listening to music... Trust me, after a good amount of times you will hate it as much as I do. But, if I want to arrive to work/College, I need to take public transport, whether I like it or not. I really need to get a car.

Now, I am going to use a journalism technique, which is cutting the bottom part of any information, and I am going to remove the letters U, V, X and Z. 

Monday, 26 October 2015

Driving while intexticated. The most common issues about texting.

According to a research on how young people behave while driving, the conclusion was that most of them affirm texting while driving is not a big issue because they can "manage it perfectly". Texting is most common in Generation Z because they are known as the tech generation. Young people believe that by sending texts they are socializing, when in reality they are not.

By texting, people tend to lose their knowledge in use of English because they use what is called, slang language.

Using the mobile phone to communicate stops people from seeing each other personally.

Texting is an addiction and young people are more dependent of it as the days goes by. When young people are sending messages, they expect receiving a reply straight away. When that does not happen, young people insist and sends repeatedly messages "Why don't you reply to me?", "What are you doing for not having one minute of your time to reply to me?".

Being together doesn't mean socializing any more. Young people are together but they tend to use their mobile telephones, even knowing they are there to socialize with each other. If one the teenagers is running out of battery, he will instantly want to go home because the need of having his mobile phone charged is enormous. 

Young people have the freedom to send unlimited texts because they are provided. Multiple companies are now giving to people unlimited texts. If young people had limited texts or had to pay for each message, they would not send as many messages and would not be as addicted as they are.

Driving while texting occurs every day and it is absolutely dangerous. People are aware of that but they still do. By texting while driving, can end up in a very serious situation such as having a car accident.

The addiction of texting is so huge that young people are now using their devices while they are in a classroom. This will effect not just the person who is texting, but also the person who is reading it. Texting will steal their attention.

People are no longer independent. The need of having their devices near by is huge and the number of people who texts constantly is growing up every day.

Saturday, 17 October 2015

Amazing news!! | Press Association

Hello lovely readers!

As you know I went down to Victoria to visit Press  Association and I requested for work experience! 

I recently received an email from Tony telling me he secured me a place in work experience!! I was so excited that I think I read the same email a good 4 times! I couldn't believe I actually was accepted after all! 

I had to send my CV to Wesley, the person I am going to be with on my work experience week. I met him last Wednesday as well when we were going for a little tour around the Press Association building and he sound really nice, specially when Tony said "we have a student who wants to be a journalist. So this is the guy you need to talk about the work experience" and he replied "Oh really?" I can't really remember what he said afterwards because I was so nervous and so observed by everyone... But he sound like a really good person, hope so!

Hence, I can't wait to be there on the 26th and actually meet everyone and obtain more experience and skills. I am sure that will look amazing on my CV though. Oh my god I can't stop thinking about this!

Monday, 12 October 2015

One step ahead in my career | Press Association

Hello my favourite people!
Before I start I want to apologise for being absent lately. There is just too much going on in my life, which I don't complain, not at all! But I have been SO tired that I can't have the time to sit down and post. College, work, gym, home... it's too much. BUT I am going to try my best to make you happy.

So, this post is based in some amazing opportunity that came up in my life. I didn't have College on Wednesdays, but my tutor invited me to be part of some project from 9 to 13 am. This project is all about creating the skills we need for our career whether is Journalism, Film Director, Graphic Designer, Business, etc. In my case is Journalism, as you all know by now so yes I was very excited to start this project. With it, I have the chance to visit lots of companies around London and Press Association is one of them. 

On Wednesday last week, we went down to Victoria where Press Association is located and there we had such an amazing and creative time! I speak for myself, I learnt a lot! We visited the building, we met different people from different type of careers, we did interviews as an activity, just loved it!

Obviously, I couldn't keep my mouth shut, so I spoke with Tony, the person that was in charge of our tour and the presentation of the Company. I told him that I wanted to be a journalist and he instantly said "Oh, so you are in the right place". That made me smile, because suddenly I saw an open window. He took me to see the work experience place where some people were studying new techniques for journalism and he even told me I could be part of them. I was so happy and excited that perhaps I said something that I didn't want to say (laughs). He introduced me to a very kind and nice journalist. She is gorgeous! She told me Journalism was a very good choice! Her presentation was the thing I was most impressed about. She did an A to Z story of her life. For each letter she makes a word and that word has a story behind. It was spectacular. At the end, the letters X, Y and Z she didn't use. She said "I am going to use a technique that is known by journalists, which is cutting the bottom part of any information". 

At the end, Tony requested me to email him in order to talk more about the work experience/apprenticeship. I was so happy! 

I didn't take any pictures apart from the one I used for this post because I didn't bring my DSLR Camera with me because it's ridiculously huge so I apologise for that. 

I am glad that I never refuse to have something new in my life, and all of this is going on the right track because I said YES to the project! And that is something I want you to do, say YES to things and you will see that the doors will be opening gradually. You just have to be patient and do something for it.