Wednesday, 15 July 2015

10 things I can't do

1- Can't touch or look at spiders. They are my worst nightmare

2- Can't go to a shopping and not buy anything. That makes me feel really sad and depressed

3- I can't swim when I don't feel the floor. I will just freak out!

4- Nowadays the mobile phone is an essential accessory on our bag and that's totally true. It doesn't matter if I am not on my phone, but I need to have it near by otherwise my anxiety will pop out

5- I can't go out without being well dressed even if it's just to go out for a coffee down stairs

6- I am a bit embarrassed with this one but well... When I sleep with my boyfriend I can't fall asleep after him. I need to sleep before him

7- Can't spend a day without touching on my hair. It's one of the worst vices that I have

8- When you ask me to don't make any noise it's right the time where I will laugh out loud! So please when you are thinking about asking me that, just let myself realise that I can't make any noise

9- Can't see people falling. I will just laugh until I cry even if it's my grandmother. I know it sounds mean but... it is what it is

10- I am such a clumsy person! Wait until you see me when I drink coffee

What about you? I would love to know what you can't do <3


  1. Olá querida Ana! :)
    Tenho a dizer que somos muito parecidas em várias coisas que não conseguimos fazer! Por exemplo: eu também fico um pouco deprimida quando vou a um centro comercial e não compro nada, também não consigo nadar sem ter a certeza que naquele sítio "tenho pé" e também sou um bocado (um bocadão, até) desajeitada! Ahahah! :)
    Beijinhos grandes e muitas felicidades! <3

    1. Hello beautiful! Well to be honest I think most of us, girls, have the same problem. Go to the shopping and not buying anything, nooo way... Thank you very much for your support and to share that with me honey xx

  2. Haha! Those are great. I can't deal with spiders in my house. If they are outside on my house, I don't care. Mostly, I can't live without a lovely cup of coffee or 3.
