Wednesday 18 November 2015

What a day...

Hi my lovely readers! 

It has been a while, I know. 

Today I decided to write about my day because it was just so excited! I felt really good, proud and concretized. 

Basically, it all started when I left home. I always take the bus to go to work and by the time I got to the bus stop, my first bus came straight away, the same thing happened when I got to the bus stop to take my second bus. Everything went really well.

After, I went to College, where at the moment, I am doing the Digital Hill Project for 4 hours a week. It was just perfect! Mr. Dee Majek is a music producer and he is really nice and always ready to help us. He gave us the job of promoting and publishing Soul Rockers Day along with his songs. So, basically, after splitting us into groups, each group must do 7 tasks. For example, taking photos and videos of the moments, interviewing the Dj's, promoting the songs on social media, email the at least 100 Dj's that work with Mr. Dee Majek. Overall, that's basically what I have been doing on Wednesday mornings. 

I had the opportunity to speak with a DJ, live on radio, (Crackers Radio) David Bishop. He was such a lovely person to chat. You know my english isn't perfect, but I could speak with him with no problems, I was comfortable and confident, I asked him some questions, he answered me back, we did even had a moment where we both laughed, it was really good, I loved the experience!

Then I interviewed the song writer Cleaveland Jones and the DJ Bigger. They were really nice and easy to understand, which I was very pleased for. 

After College, me and my friend decided to go to gym! As usual. But it was a little bit different from our routine. When we arrived, the personal trainer came to us and asked us if we would like to do the Name Challenge, which was written on the wall. We both agreed because after all, there was nothing that could be "worse" than our routine.  Turns out... it was!

Name Challenge
A- 20 Burpees
N- 20 Lunges
A- 20 Burpees

O- 40 Squats
L- 20 Plank to Pushup
I- 30 Squat Jumps
V- 2 Minute Wall Sit
E- 1 Minute Wall Sit
I- 30 Squat Jumps
R- 15 Press Ups
A- 20 Burpees

After this HARD challenge, me and my friend did it! We both could put our names on the wall!! I was so proud! Plus, the personal trainer asked us to film us to put us on the Willesden Sport Centre Facebook to promote the Name Challenge! 

Guess what I am going to do now! Yes, you are right! I am going to set up a new challenge for you! Use the letter above to complete your first and last name and go for it!! 

Good work out! 


  1. Fico muito feliz por saber que tudo te correu tão bem! :)
    Vou experimentar esse desafio... :D
    Beijinhos grandes e muitas felicidades! ❤

  2. Fico muito feliz por saber que tudo te correu tão bem! :)
    Vou experimentar esse desafio... :D
    Beijinhos grandes e muitas felicidades! ❤

    1. Obrigado minha querida!
      Espero que experimentes mesmo sim, quero ver o teu sucesso :)
      Beijinhos grandes!!
